Install R on CentOS 5 x64 using yum

I recently had the fun of installing R on my development box. While you can install from source I wanted to be able to install using yum. R is not in the standard packages, but it is in the epel repository (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 – x86_64).

Steps for Installing R
1. Make sure that you have epel in your yum repositories (use yum listrepo to check). If not add epel to your yum repos (see here for instructions how to do this).
2. Install R and dependencies using yum install R-core R-2*
3. Enter R (just type R) and update all the default package using update.packages(). You will need to choose the nearest mirror to you.
4. Install the packages you need using install.packages(“package_name”, dependencies = TRUE)
5. Quit R using q()

Hope this saves someone a little time.

If you are behind a proxy server then use the following (change for your proxy setting) after starting R
You can check if correct by
then update by

Langmeil Orphan Bank Shiraz 2009

The Barrosa had a reasonably good year in 2009 and one of the best wines I have from that vintage is the Langmeil Orphan Bank Shiraz 2009. I found it on the Dan Murphys “wall of death” (i.e. off the main floor and hidden away in a corner). I was intrigued by the story on the back of the bottle about them saving some of the original 19th C. shiraz vines from the ravages of the 80s vine pull. I thought I would buy a bottle even though it is a bit outside of my normal price range ($42). I am certainly glad I did as it is worth every cent. I have had $80 wines that are nowhere as good as this. Highly recommended.

Orphan Bank

Price $42.75
Value >$75

Taltarni Pyrenees Shiraz 2009

Another great pyrenees shiraz that only cost me $22 a bottle. My only complaint is Taltarni is still using corks with this wine! Come on Taltarni it is 2012 – a cork these days is about as desirable as a hypercolour t-shirt.


Price $22.00
Value +$35.00

Update Nov 2013. I saw some of this for sale a couple of weeks ago at my local DM – the only downside is it is now $30 a bottle.